
Open a box/ bottle filled with cinema. “From where it comes?”,  not mportant the city or country, but for your information, this are movies made by young directors, who are from different countrys in Colombia/ South America. We had united this works in this box/ bottle of guadua(bambu), so that they will arrive unsuspected destinations. Every place (bars, parks, places of meetings and so on), there you can show the films, can be an island, so that the cinema “stranded” there.

“Stranded cinema” was born like an idear without big pretensions. This is not a oficial selection, not a festival and not a kind of compilation of audiovisuel works with a special end. Their are united with liberty to get showed in every public place, by any person or institution in any country.


So, if you want to continue the chain and take these box/ bottle to an other island ...  so you can do this. Thats easy! Take the box/ bottle loaned, solicit the person, who has the box/ bottle, exhibit the films and tell us by internet, there are the “stranded cinema” was showed (place and date) and which one it has now .... and than give the whole box/ bottle to an other person or institution.

Nobody can showed the films during a special event (only in the name of “stranded cinema”) and festival, also in places comerciales and together with television you can´t show it; and also you can´t order money or limitade the entrance in any form.

More information:

Michael Hahn (Germany)                       mi.ha@gmx.net 

Jaime Andrés Ballesteros (Colombia)   cineclubborges@yahoo.com



"Talash" - Afghanistan - 2006, afghan with German subs, 5 min.

This is a short documantary made by young students from a college in Kabul/ Afghanistan about a day of an afgan boy.


SAEK Shortfilmelection - Germany 2005, german with english subtitles

Here you can find different video works, made by pupils and students from Poland, Czech Republic and Germany which were done in a summer-video-camp. This camp was realized by the German organization SAEK.

"Der Zug der Freiheit - the train of liberty", 2009 - Germany, german with english subtitles, 10min.

A special train drives 2009 from Prag over Dresden, Freiberg, Chemnitz, Plauen to Hof. The wagons are transformed in places of arts, there are shown projects. This train reminds the 4000 refugees, which were in the Western German embassy in Prag and tried to get asylum in west germany. They could enter to West Germany in a train 20 years ago from Prag to Hof.


"The children of the Cauca" - Colombia 2009, Spanish with English subs, 25 min. 

In this short movie young director Hectór Franzisco Córdoba Castaño, from Pereira / Colombia, shows the life of children with the river Cauca. This river is one of the more important rivers in Colombia. It is located between the central and western Andes. To the north the Cauca runs into the biggest river of Colombia, the Magdalena. Joined together, they flow into the Caribbean  Sea. As it crosses a large  part of Colombia, the Cauca river is more than important  for the many people living  close to it. The daily life, work, food and  other  challenges   are tied closely  with the Cauca.
Castaño shows in a very refreshing way, which meaning the river has for the children in the village  of Virginia, not far from Pereira, in the centre of Colombia.


"Don´t touch me with your dirty hands!”- Colombia 2005, Spanish with English subs, 15 min.

A little parody from the city of Bogotá, Colombia about the relationship between man and woman. This movie is presented and performed by some actors of a series from Bogotá.
It might be known by some, but Colombian men are considered to be very  macho -  like and this cliché is kind of wanted by a majority of Colombian women. Considering that, you can see a well established macho society that gets a lot of support,  be it either from a man or a woman.
Get your own impression during  your stay in Colombia!
Well, this short movie doesn't stash away all the prejudices but  rather gives  us a very  humorous  point of view on this topic.


 Bogotá, muro y palabra – Bogotá, wall and word, 2005 - Colombia, orig. Spain – subtitle engl., 41min.

In Colombia are very hard to be heard and to act for every kind of opposition. In the result of the conflict between government, paramilitary and guerrilla and “the fight against the terrorism”, critical and oppositional publications are persecuted and scotched in other wise. So it’s difficult to practice an official critic. Some young people in Bogotá are using the method of graffiti an the rap music to say that way want. “Wall and word” is a documentation from Maria Isabell Garces (from Bogotá) and gives the young people a place and a voice to be heard outside of Bogotá in another parts.

„Vida de miradas – Live of glances“, 2000 - Colombia, Orig. Spain – subtitle german, 14min.

The city of PEREIRA are situated in the center of Colombia directly in front of the central Andes. There are crossing the main routs from the western part of the country to the capital and also from the eastern part. So the city was growing up in the last years. That’s why. The different culture scenes are also developed. There is the punk and a movement of metal and there is  also a good working homosexual scene.
This short movie presented one of many singers from the scene. He let us be part of his live and of his view to some different things.


"Quimbaya", 2007 - Colombia, spanish and french, 30min.

Colombia was and is very rich of idigenous culture. There are still living some tribes in diferent reserves of the country. In every part over the country you can find marks made by the ancient cultures. SANDRA BIBIANA CLAVEL shows in her documental the apaerences of the idigineous people QUIMBAYA in the region of "Eje cafetero" (centre of coffee).